
Date Posted: November 4, 2020
Pictured L-R: Barbara Jo Cook, 十大网赌平台推荐 Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Team ARI – John Gordon Dixon, Gordon Dixon, Richard Dixon, Rob Dixon; Jack Bowdoin – 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation Chair
Pictured L-R: Barbara Jo Cook, 十大网赌平台推荐 Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Team ARI – John Gordon Dixon, Gordon Dixon, Richard Dixon, Rob Dixon; Jack Bowdoin – 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation Chair

October 28, 2020 -南新月技术学院基金会最近于10月27日举办了Drive“Fore”教育高尔夫锦标赛, 2020年在格里芬的浅滩溪俱乐部举行,有29支球队参加.

劳德代尔风格锦标赛是与Impact Office Interiors合作举办的. 初步估计显示,比赛的收益将超过50美元,这笔钱将用于支持学院的需求,包括学生奖学金和十大网赌平台推荐扩建.

十大网赌平台推荐 President Dr. 阿尔韦塔·托马斯(Alvetta Thomas)代表学院表达了感谢之意,并在上午10点霰弹射击开始前感谢了在场的高尔夫球手. Dr. Thomas stated, “你们今天的出席表明了你们对南新月学院使命和宗旨的承诺,我们非常感谢你们对我们学生的支持,帮助他们实现职业梦想。. We take great pride in building strong students, strong careers, 和强大的社区,你的支持是学院成功的重要部分.”

Because of COVID-19, 十大网赌平台推荐基金会选择推迟其所有的年度面对面筹款活动,今年日历和取代这些事件与高尔夫锦标赛作为一个有趣和安全的选择. Drive“Fore”教育高尔夫邀请赛取得了巨大的成功, 主要是由于那些参与和那些慷慨捐赠物品拍卖坚定不移的支持.

南新月技术学院基金会主席Jack Bowdoin表示, “学院值得我们提供最好的支持, and the communities have surely risen to the occasion with

their attendance and their donations. 我们非常感谢他们的慷慨,并为南新月技术学院的学生提供了机会.”

比赛参加者代表了来自学院八个县服务区域的各种商业和行业合作伙伴,以及乔治亚州技术学院系统的领导,包括专员Greg Dozier, Chief of Staff Laura Boalch, Assistant Commissioner Neil Bitting, General Counsel Josh McKoon, and State Board Member Mark Hennessy.

ARI队以低于标准杆16杆的成绩获得了最高荣誉. 在以低于标准杆15杆的成绩并列第二名之后, Henry County Development Authority, Quad Graphics, and United Bank finished in second, third, 和第四名的位置分别由回归确定. 韦斯特伯里行政服务公司以低于标准杆12杆的成绩排在第五位.


Barbara Jo Cook, 南新月技术学院负责发展的副校长评论道, “南新月技术学院“福尔”教育高尔夫邀请赛得到了大家的参与和支持,我们感到非常激动. 团队代表和锦标赛赞助涵盖了我们服务的八个县,基金会受托人很高兴举办这次锦标赛,将我们的外部利益相关者聚集在一起,以支持学院和学生的需求.”

Tournament sponsors included the following:

Eagle Sponsors: ARI, AT&T, Eagle’s Landing Health, and Norcom, Inc.

Birdie Sponsors: BB&T/Suntrust – Now Truist, Bellamy Strickland Automotive, Brightmoor Nursing Center, 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation Trustee Jack Bowdoin, Caterpillar, Chick-fil-A, 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation Trustee Tom Gardner, General Storage, Golden Star, Henry County Development Authority, Heritage Bank, Jones Petroleum, Southern Rivers Energy, Upson Regional Medical Center, Westbury Administrative Services, and 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation Trustee Walter Smith.

Hospitality Sponsor: United Bank

Driving Range Sponsors: 佐治亚银行公司,佐治亚电力公司,韦斯特伯里老年护理药房

Hole-In-One Sponsor: Countryside Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Million Dollar Shootout Sponsor: Griffin Exchange Club

Cart Sponsor: Nocwing

Longest Drive Sponsor: Beacon Security

Putting Contest Sponsor: M&R Printing

Closest to the Pin Sponsor: First National Bank of Griffin

Chip and Putt Sponsor: Cooper Lighting Solutions

此外,比赛有42个来自地区企业和个人的发球箱赞助商. Tee-box sponsors included: Abbott, Jordan & Koon; Ameris Bank; Bank of Monticello; Beck, Owen & Murray; Bennett International Group; Central Georgia EMC; Barbara Jo Cook; Conner-Westbury Funeral Home; Driver Adams & Sharp CPAs; Fayette County Board of Education; General Storage; Dr. and Mrs. Tom Grayson; Merry Heath; Integrity Furniture Repair; Hill’s Tire Store; Impact Workforce Solutions; Piedmont Henry Hospital; Smith & Sons Funeral Home; Snapping Shoals EMS; The Southern Credit Union; Tatum Tree Care and Removal; Dr. Alvetta Thomas; Thomaston Prescription Shop; Thomaston-Upson County Industrial Development Authority; Walmart; Warner, Hooper & Ramsey, Attorneys at Law; Warren Epstein & Associates, Architects, Inc.; Web Mobile Fusion; and Wellstar Health.

鲍登继续说道:“这是一场精彩的比赛. A very special thank you goes to Todd Feltman, 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation Trustee Emeritus and Gail Gardner, 十大网赌平台推荐基金会资源委员会主席,因其出色的协调比赛工作.”